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Asynchronous data caching, refetching & invalidation library for Flutter. Fl-Query lets you manage & distribute your async data without touching any global state

Fl-Query makes asynchronous server state management a breeze in flutter


  • Async data caching & management
  • Smart + effective refetching
  • Optimistic updates
  • Automatically cached data invalidation & unneeded query/mutation garbage collection
  • Infinite pagination via InfiniteQuery
  • Lazy persistent cache (Uses hive for persisting query results to disk) (optional)
  • Easy to write & understand code. Follows DRY (Don't repeat yourself) convention
  • Compatible with both vanilla Flutter & elite flutter_hooks


Regular installation:

$ flutter pub add fl_query

For elite flutter_hooks user (Welcome to the flutter cool community btw😎)

$ flutter pub add flutter_hooks fl_query_hooks

Basic Usage

Initialize the cache databases in your main method

fl-query uses hive for persisting data to disk

void main()async {
await QueryClient.initialize(cachePrefix: 'fl_query_example');

In MyApp Widget's build method wrap your MaterialApp with with QueryClientProvider widget

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return QueryClientProvider(
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Fl-Query Example App',
theme: ThemeData(
useMaterial3: true,
home: const MyHomePage(),

Let's write use a Query now FL-Query provides a QueryBuilder widget that creates and listens to the specified Query and re-runs the builder function whenever there's an update

It has 2 required parameters key(unnamed) & builder

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{

return QueryBuilder<String, dynamic>(
() {
return Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 6), () => 'Hello World!');
initial: 'A replacement',
jsonConfig: JsonConfig(
fromJson: (json) => json['data'],
toJson: (data) => {'data': data},
onData: (value) {
debugPrint('onData: $value');
onError: (error) {
debugPrint('onError: $error');
builder: (context, query) {
if (query.isLoading) {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else if (query.hasError) {
return Center(
child: Text(query.error.toString()),
return Center(
child: Text( ?? "Unfortunately, there's no data"),

And if you're using flutter_hooks you got that too

class MyApp extends HookWidget{

final query = useQuery<String, dynamic>(
() {
return Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 6), () => 'Hello World!');
initial: 'A replacement',
jsonConfig: JsonConfig(
fromJson: (json) => json['data'],
toJson: (data) => {'data': data},
onData: (value) {
debugPrint('onData: $value');
onError: (error) {
debugPrint('onError: $error');

if (query.isLoading) {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
} else if (query.hasError) {
return Center(
child: Text(query.error.toString()),
return Center(
child: Text( ?? "Unfortunately, there's no data"),


The hell, why?

The main purpose of Fl-Query is providing the easiest way to manage the messy server-state part requiring the least amount of code with code reusability & performance. This let's you focus more on those cool UI animations & transitions✨. Leave the boring stuff to Fl-Query

Q. Isn't FutureBuilder good?

No, of course not. Unless you're from 2013 or your app is a purely offline app

Q. So FutureProvider from riverpod or provider not enough?

Probably yes. Although riverpod@v2 has added a lot of caching related features but still optimistic updates, periodic refetching & disk persistence are missing. Let's not forget about infinite pagination, it's a nightmare😅. In case of provider, same story. It's a great package but it's not the easiest one for server-state management